


Ponce, Buenos Aires


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Axe Musicstar: “Limo” [00:45]# A white rapper in a pimp outfit gets into a golden limo, accompanied – naturally – by three gorgeous chicks. Suddenly, the car begins to rock about before finally splitting in half right down the middle. The two halves – in one the women, in the other the rapper – move off in opposite directions. The rapper ends up dumped in the sea while the girls find themselves in the apartment of a guy spraying on Axe deodorant. Super: “Get back what music stars have taken away from you. New Axe Musicstar.”

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Axe Musicstar: "Limo" [00:45]# A white rapper in a pimp outfit gets into a golden limo, accompanied – naturally - by three gorgeous chicks. Suddenly, the car begins to rock about before finally splitting in half right down the middle. The two halves – in one the women, in the other the rapper – move off in opposite directions. The rapper ends up dumped in the sea while the girls find themselves in the apartment of a guy spraying on Axe deodorant. Super: “Get back what music stars have taken away from you. New Axe Musicstar.”

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