

Axe Underwear

Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London


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Axe Underwear “Length” (00:20) #
Dramatic images and sounds in this
commercial for Axe brand underwear. As
we all know, it is not only men who consider
length to be important. And when
a woman take a precise check to see
what their male counterpart has to offer
in this department, she is apparently
unable to keep her hands off the briefs.
Not only she is surprised to see how
much “space” they leave the wearer.

More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London

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Axe Underwear

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Axe Underwear “Length” (00:20) # Dramatic images and sounds in this commercial for Axe brand underwear. As we all know, it is not only men who consider length to be important. And when a woman take a precise check to see what their male counterpart has to offer in this department, she is apparently unable to keep her hands off the briefs. Not only she is surprised to see how much “space” they leave the wearer.

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