

Bangkok Insurance

Creative Juice, Bangkok


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The chances of a hurricane dismantling
a house and then putting it back together
again – down to the very last tile
on the roof – are very slim indeed
(“0.0000001%” is the slightly boguslooking
number a super presents us
with). As, in fact, is the probability of a
tire disengaging itself from a car on a
busy highway, playing a kind of “highway
tennis” with other cars across the
lanes, and finally settling back on the
car’s wheel. With a low probability of
things turning out that good by themselves,
it’s worth considering a good
insurance company, such as Bangkok
Insurance, who will help in all the other

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The chances of a hurricane dismantling a house and then putting it back together again – down to the very last tile on the roof – are very slim indeed (“0.0000001%” is the slightly boguslooking number a super presents us with). As, in fact, is the probability of a tire disengaging itself from a car on a busy highway, playing a kind of “highway tennis” with other cars across the lanes, and finally settling back on the car’s wheel. With a low probability of things turning out that good by themselves, it’s worth considering a good insurance company, such as Bangkok Insurance, who will help in all the other cases.

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