Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London
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Bernado’s “Believe in children” (01:10) #
A little boy is sitting on a chair in front of
a young lady who is asking him a variety
of questions about his parents, friends,
relatives, teachers etc., the answer to all of
them, as uttered by the boy, being simply,
“I told them to fuck off.” One soon realizes that the boy has had a hard time of
things, his poise suggesting a sense of
intimidation, his gaze cast downwards.
When the woman wants to know what he
said to people at children’s charity
Bernardo’s when they were there, the lad
says he also told them to fuck off. But
they didn’t … The spot ends on the super
“If we don’t give up, it’s because we
believe in children” accompanied by the
Bernardo’s logo and the statement, “To
show you believe in children, click here.”
- Client Barnardo's
- Ad Agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), London
- Art Director Nick Gill
- Copywriter Nick Gill
- Production Company Rattling Stick, London
- Director Andy McLeod
More: Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) London
More: Barnardo’s
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