

Batchelor´s Supernoodles

Mother, London


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Batchelor Super Noodles “Pan,” “Selfish,” “Clean” + “Race” [00:30]# These funny commercials for Batchelors Super Noodles are obviously aimed at the “laddish” segment of the market. One features a guy bravely singing “Gonna get along without you now” while preparing himself some Super Noodles and all the evidence pointing against the resolution manifested by the song. In “Selfish,” a woman throws a tantrum when her boyfriend won’t let her have a taste of the sweet and sour Super Noodles he is just ingesting. He relents in what to her appears like a gesture of true affection but is in fact only triggered by the guy’s realisation that in the meantime his dog has helped itself to some of the food on the plate the guy has been trying to keep out of reach of his girlfriend. “Clean” presents a rather unorthodox and truly “laddish” way of dispensing with dirty plates, and “Race” shows us that Super Noodles not only taste good but are also the kind of food one can have a lot of fun with.

More: Mother London

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Batchelor´s Supernoodles

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Batchelor Super Noodles "Pan," "Selfish," "Clean" + "Race" [00:30]# These funny commercials for Batchelors Super Noodles are obviously aimed at the "laddish" segment of the market. One features a guy bravely singing "Gonna get along without you now" while preparing himself some Super Noodles and all the evidence pointing against the resolution manifested by the song. In "Selfish," a woman throws a tantrum when her boyfriend won't let her have a taste of the sweet and sour Super Noodles he is just ingesting. He relents in what to her appears like a gesture of true affection but is in fact only triggered by the guy's realisation that in the meantime his dog has helped itself to some of the food on the plate the guy has been trying to keep out of reach of his girlfriend. "Clean" presents a rather unorthodox and truly "laddish" way of dispensing with dirty plates, and "Race" shows us that Super Noodles not only taste good but are also the kind of food one can have a lot of fun with.

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