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BBC CBeebies: “I Can Cook” [00:33]# Three amusing spots for the BBC children’s channel. In the first, a girl helping her mother to bake is adding a bunch of currants to the muffin pastry when she hears that this gives her sister flatulence. In the second, a boy telling his sister a tale scares her with the booger he has just extracted from his nose. The third shows a boy distracting his father to enable his sister to make off with a broken speaker. The CBeebies programs may not turn children into angels but do help parents to bring them up the right way.

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BBC CBeebies: "I Can Cook" [00:33]# Three amusing spots for the BBC children’s channel. In the first, a girl helping her mother to bake is adding a bunch of currants to the muffin pastry when she hears that this gives her sister flatulence. In the second, a boy telling his sister a tale scares her with the booger he has just extracted from his nose. The third shows a boy distracting his father to enable his sister to make off with a broken speaker. The CBeebies programs may not turn children into angels but do help parents to bring them up the right way.

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