


DDB, Vancouver


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BC SPCA “Hushband” (00:30)# It’s just not fair if you love pets but don’t have any. Wouldn’t it be nice to pet, stroke and cuddle them? And do everything else the little darlings love so much. And if there isn’t a pet around, one’s just got to do it all with humans instead. Only that the people thus “treated” are often quite recalcitrant. Or would your son jump into the water to retrieve a ball? To say nothing of what a woman might think if you say “Who’s my little chubby one?” while patting her tummy. Perhaps you’d be better off adopting a real pet instead, after all. Winner of a Golden Lion at Cannes.

More: DDB Vancouver


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BC SPCA "Hushband" (00:30)# It's just not fair if you love pets but don't have any. Wouldn't it be nice to pet, stroke and cuddle them? And do everything else the little darlings love so much. And if there isn't a pet around, one's just got to do it all with humans instead. Only that the people thus "treated" are often quite recalcitrant. Or would your son jump into the water to retrieve a ball? To say nothing of what a woman might think if you say "Who's my little chubby one?" while patting her tummy. Perhaps you'd be better off adopting a real pet instead, after all. Winner of a Golden Lion at Cannes.

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