


Bates United, Oslo


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The series of amusing spots for Berlitz
language schools continues with this
new commercial set in the command
center of the German Coast Guard, where
a new recruit is being given a quick
course of instruction by his boss. On the
very first day he is on duty, and left
alone surrounded by hundreds of levers
and switches, he gets his first SOS call:
“We are sinking!” Apparently, however,
no one has told the new guy that English
is one of the skills he needs to master,
and he thus replies to the captain of the
distressed ship: “What are you thinking
about?” Tagline: “Improve your English.”

More: Bates United Oslo

More: Berlitz

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The series of amusing spots for Berlitz language schools continues with this new commercial set in the command center of the German Coast Guard, where a new recruit is being given a quick course of instruction by his boss. On the very first day he is on duty, and left alone surrounded by hundreds of levers and switches, he gets his first SOS call: “We are sinking!” Apparently, however, no one has told the new guy that English is one of the skills he needs to master, and he thus replies to the captain of the distressed ship: “What are you thinking about?” Tagline: “Improve your English.”

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