

Bodyform – PainStories / The Pain Dictionary

Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO, London


More Info

In a collaboration with 14 international artists, Pain Stories is a new
Bodyform campaign in order to overcome the culture of silence and
increase awareness when it comes to understandingnotice women’s
experience of pain. Endometriosis is just one example of the agony
being endured.

Roberto Fara: “It’s well- known that in the past, and even now, talking
about women’s periods has beenwas or even now it’s still a taboo in
advertising. Any kind of reality was completely avoided and, you shouldn’t
show blood or pain. We were miseducated on that matter and, pain
was accepted as something normal, as part of being a woman. But it’s
not. It’s time to be truthful on this subject, to properly educate and give
visibility, to be taken seriously. This is just one part of a big project that
talks about this issue creating interesting and relevant content.”

More: Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO London

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Bodyform – PainStories / The Pain Dictionary

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In a collaboration with 14 international artists, Pain Stories is a new
Bodyform campaign in order to overcome the culture of silence and
increase awareness when it comes to understandingnotice women’s
experience of pain. Endometriosis is just one example of the agony
being endured.

Roberto Fara: “It’s well- known that in the past, and even now, talking
about women’s periods has beenwas or even now it’s still a taboo in
advertising. Any kind of reality was completely avoided and, you shouldn’t
show blood or pain. We were miseducated on that matter and, pain
was accepted as something normal, as part of being a woman. But it’s
not. It’s time to be truthful on this subject, to properly educate and give
visibility, to be taken seriously. This is just one part of a big project that
talks about this issue creating interesting and relevant content.”

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