

Braathens SAFE

Kitchen, Oslo


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“The Cowboy,” “The Gun” + “Naked Lunch” [00:30]# Three amusing commercials advertising various services offered by the Norwegian airline. In “The Cowboy.” A farmer faces the camera with one of his favorite cows standing next to him. The farmer speaks with a not so slight stutter, and when he tries to tell us that SAFE now offers a direct flight from Oslo to malmo, he finds himself unable to spit out the very last syllable of the destination. Fortunately., his cow knows the problem and her resounding “moo” comes in handy. In “The Gun,” filmed in black and white, a little boy takes revenge on an airline passenger who pops his balloon with his cigar. The little rascal smuggles his toy gun into the man’s packet and all hell brakes loose when the unsuspecting man walks through the metal detector gate. But not to worry, a super tells us. There are more daily flights available from SAFE now. In “Naked Lunch” a man arrives home, strips down to nothing, sticks a rose between clenched teeth and burst into the room where he thinks his wife is sitting. She is indeed but not alone. With her are her parents, who don’t take their son-in-law’s unruly appearance lightly, it seems. With this commercial the airline advertise their reduced fares for relatives.

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Braathens SAFE

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"The Cowboy," "The Gun" + "Naked Lunch" [00:30]# Three amusing commercials advertising various services offered by the Norwegian airline. In "The Cowboy." A farmer faces the camera with one of his favorite cows standing next to him. The farmer speaks with a not so slight stutter, and when he tries to tell us that SAFE now offers a direct flight from Oslo to malmo, he finds himself unable to spit out the very last syllable of the destination. Fortunately., his cow knows the problem and her resounding "moo" comes in handy. In "The Gun," filmed in black and white, a little boy takes revenge on an airline passenger who pops his balloon with his cigar. The little rascal smuggles his toy gun into the man's packet and all hell brakes loose when the unsuspecting man walks through the metal detector gate. But not to worry, a super tells us. There are more daily flights available from SAFE now. In "Naked Lunch" a man arrives home, strips down to nothing, sticks a rose between clenched teeth and burst into the room where he thinks his wife is sitting. She is indeed but not alone. With her are her parents, who don't take their son-in-law's unruly appearance lightly, it seems. With this commercial the airline advertise their reduced fares for relatives.

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