

British Heart Foundation

Grey, London


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British Heart Foundation: “Here it is, your Heart” [01:00]# The spot shows us a beating heart. Is that supposed to be something out of the ordinary? Obviously not. Yet the aim of the British Heart Foundation is to make people aware of this organ; for as long as it remains healthy, one does not need to think about it, and ends up neglecting it. But when it is not doing well, that is all one can think of. At such times, the Foundation is there to offer advice and support.

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British Heart Foundation

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British Heart Foundation: "Here it is, your Heart" [01:00]# The spot shows us a beating heart. Is that supposed to be something out of the ordinary? Obviously not. Yet the aim of the British Heart Foundation is to make people aware of this organ; for as long as it remains healthy, one does not need to think about it, and ends up neglecting it. But when it is not doing well, that is all one can think of. At such times, the Foundation is there to offer advice and support.

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