

Brooke Bond

Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury & Partners, London


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Brooke Bond Red Mountain “Beans ‘n’Blip Scream” [00:30], “Hot Coals” + “Passionate Embrace” [00:05]#
What at first looks like a rather conventional commercial is quite unexpectedly intercut with zany images that present metaphors for the taste sensation one gets when drinking Red Mountain coffee. Claim: Red Mountain. A taste of stimulation. In the 5-second follow up commercials these short scenes are all we get, e.g. a woman walking on hot coals with a blissful look on her face or a passionate kiss, as shown in our selection.

More: Howell Henry Chaldecott Lury & Partners London

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Brooke Bond Red Mountain "Beans 'n'Blip Scream" [00:30], "Hot Coals" + "Passionate Embrace" [00:05]# What at first looks like a rather conventional commercial is quite unexpectedly intercut with zany images that present metaphors for the taste sensation one gets when drinking Red Mountain coffee. Claim: Red Mountain. A taste of stimulation. In the 5-second follow up commercials these short scenes are all we get, e.g. a woman walking on hot coals with a blissful look on her face or a passionate kiss, as shown in our selection.

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