B’Twin (Decathlon)
Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Paris
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B’Twin “Egypte” (00:45) #
This spot uses archaeological excavations
to demonstrate the good shock absorption featured in the new B’Twin7 bicycle.
The scene is set at a dig in Egypt, with a
man who has made a sensational find
leaping onto his bike and riding off at
breakneck speed along dusty roads and
over potholes to deposit the valuable
piece in a museum. With a contented
smile, the museum director watches as he
carefully places his find on a table that is
wheeled into the room. Yet his face just as
quickly turns to stone once the little table
rolls over a pebble, causing the figure to
fragment into tiny pieces. Pay-off: “Shock
absorption that’s unmatched.”
- Client B'Twin (Decathlon)
- Ad Agency Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Paris
- Art Director Jessica Gerard Huet
- Copywriter Jean Francois Bouchet
- Production Company La Pac Maison de Production