

Bud Light

DDB, Chicago


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Bud Light “But He Has Bud Light” (00:30) #
A cautionary tale on the subject of excessive trustfulness serves as inspiration for
this Bud Light spot: a couple travelling at
night in their car cannot agree whether
they should pick up the hitchhiker standing by the roadside. She is indignant that
her naive partner is even willing to consider the idea – the guy out there does,
after all, have an axe in his hand. However, it is the Bud Light he is holding in the
other that proves to be the more compelling argument. Yet even this guy – now
shrinking into the back seat – is a little
scared by the sight of the next hitchhiker.
Tagline: “Bud Light. Always worth it.”

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Bud Light “But He Has Bud Light” (00:30) # A cautionary tale on the subject of excessive trustfulness serves as inspiration for this Bud Light spot: a couple travelling at night in their car cannot agree whether they should pick up the hitchhiker standing by the roadside. She is indignant that her naive partner is even willing to consider the idea – the guy out there does, after all, have an axe in his hand. However, it is the Bud Light he is holding in the other that proves to be the more compelling argument. Yet even this guy – now shrinking into the back seat – is a little scared by the sight of the next hitchhiker. Tagline: “Bud Light. Always worth it.”

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