Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco
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Budweiser “Born and Donkey” (01:00)# All of us sometimes wish we were someone else, a famous star or a valiant hero … This spot’s protagonist, a donkey, is no different. He’d love to be a Budweiser Clydesdale, i.e. one of the horses that used to pull the traditional Budweiser drays back in the distant past. And the little rascal somehow even does manage to become one of the most famous and beautiful dray horses. The American beer brand’s message seems to be that everything’s possible as long as you believe in yourself. Looks cute, anyway …
- Client Budweiser
- Ad Agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco
- Art Director Tyler Magnusson
- Copywriter Steve Dildarian
- Production Company Biscuit Filmworks
- Director Jeff Goodby
More: Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Francisco
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