

Buenos Aires Zoo

Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Buenos Aires


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Zoo de Buenos Aires “Together” (01:05) #
Some more beautiful animation in this
kitschy, yet sweet, commercial for the
Buenos Aires zoo set to the kitschy, yet
sweet, song “Somewhere Out There” (the
Linda Ronstadt/James Ingram version was
the theme song of the 1991 animated feature
film hit “An American Tail.”) We see
an unlikely couple consisting of a polar
bear and a monkey frolicking in some
kind of antediluvian era. Suddenly, the
continents start to tear apart and bear
and monkey are separated. The zoo, so
the super tells us, is the place to see
them together again.

More: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Buenos Aires

More: Buenos Aires Zoo

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Zoo de Buenos Aires “Together” (01:05) # Some more beautiful animation in this kitschy, yet sweet, commercial for the Buenos Aires zoo set to the kitschy, yet sweet, song “Somewhere Out There” (the Linda Ronstadt/James Ingram version was the theme song of the 1991 animated feature film hit “An American Tail.”) We see an unlikely couple consisting of a polar bear and a monkey frolicking in some kind of antediluvian era. Suddenly, the continents start to tear apart and bear and monkey are separated. The zoo, so the super tells us, is the place to see them together again.

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