Bundy Rum
Leo Burnett, Sydney
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Bundy Rum “Only in Australia” (00:56) #
This spot features British stereotypes and
a Royal Family lookalike singing “We Wish
England was Australia” because, then,
they would be able to enjoy Australian
Bundy Rum. In the process, fun is poked
at the Brits, the awful English weather,
and also the Royals. Attempts to ape the
Australian lifestyle, such as surfing and
barbecuing, seem to be doomed to failure
in the unrelenting grey of the British climate. Super: “Our Rum since 1888”
- Client Bundy Rum
- Ad Agency Leo Burnett, Sydney
- Art Director Andre Dammers, Joris Kuijpers
- Copywriter Dylan de Backer
- Production Company Czar, Amsterdam
- Director Bart Timmer