


Burberry in-house, London


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Nicolas Roope: “Even though Instagram is a relatively new platform, for certain brands it’s already proving to be a really potent platform
for reaching audiences. I recommend you follow Burberry’s feed because they show how to feed an Instagram audience artfully. The
particular thing of note is how generous they are by both creating incredibly well produced shots exclusively for
the feed but also welcoming followers closer into the brand and allowing them to glimpse things not offered to
the general audience. This is great proof that these platforms need their own spirit, their own unique assets and
experiences, in order to get real traction. And as you’ll see when you follow, they’re not short of engagement.”

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Nicolas Roope: “Even though Instagram is a relatively new platform, for certain brands it’s already proving to be a really potent platform for reaching audiences. I recommend you follow Burberry’s feed because they show how to feed an Instagram audience artfully. The particular thing of note is how generous they are by both creating incredibly well produced shots exclusively for the feed but also welcoming followers closer into the brand and allowing them to glimpse things not offered to the general audience. This is great proof that these platforms need their own spirit, their own unique assets and experiences, in order to get real traction. And as you’ll see when you follow, they’re not short of engagement.”

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