

Calci Yum

Colenso BBDO, Auckland


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Calci Yum: “Cat” [00:70]# Witty animated spots for a calcium-enriched milk drink. In the first spot, a kid keeps teasing a cat until it finally hits back, yet the kid – after a brief shock – returns to torment it once again. In the second, a kid gets its head stuck in a fence. The fire brigade come to the rescue but the head is back stuck in the fence again after just a few seconds. In the third spot, the child has a glass of milk pushed in its direction but does not wish to drink it. Not until served a carton of Calci-Yum complete with straw does the child express approval. Super: “Kids aren’t that smart. It’s easy to get them to eat healthy.”

More: Colenso BBDO Auckland

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Calci Yum: "Cat" [00:70]# Witty animated spots for a calcium-enriched milk drink. In the first spot, a kid keeps teasing a cat until it finally hits back, yet the kid – after a brief shock – returns to torment it once again. In the second, a kid gets its head stuck in a fence. The fire brigade come to the rescue but the head is back stuck in the fence again after just a few seconds. In the third spot, the child has a glass of milk pushed in its direction but does not wish to drink it. Not until served a carton of Calci-Yum complete with straw does the child express approval. Super: “Kids aren’t that smart. It’s easy to get them to eat healthy.”

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