California Milk Processor Board
Grupo Gallegos, Long Beach
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California Milk Processor Board “Law Of Gravity” (00:40) #
In this spot for milk, we are introduced to
a very strange kind of town in which the
laws of gravity seem to be periodically
suspended. Falling from a dizzy height
just when gravity begins to kick in again
can, however, prove a strain on the bones
if fractures are to be avoided. It is here
that the calcium contained in milk comes
in. Natives are fully aware of its importance, and tourists are therefore handed a
glass of milk as soon as they arrive. Payoff: “Makes your bones stronger and
- Client California Milk Processor Board
- Ad Agency Grupo Gallegos, Long Beach
- Art Director Curro Chozas
- Copywriter Saul Escobar
- Production Company Rebolucion, Buenos Aires
- Director Armando Bo, Luciano Podcaminsky