


BETC, Paris


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Canal+ “March Of The Emperor” (01:05) #
The documentary that goes by the name
of “Le Marche De L’empereur” in France,
the English title being “March Of The Penguins,”
makes the protagonist in this spot
assume, when a friend tells her about the
movie, the actors to be of a rather different
ilk. As every good French girl, she thinks of
Napoleon. And her friend talks of the infinite
ice, which “they” slide over on their
tummies, or about the lethal attack of a
seal. The woman is amazed to hear of the
strange actions of the “emperors,” yet
sees it all before her very eyes. On hearing
that the men swap eggs and engage in sex
for hours on end, it all becomes too much
for her. Tagline for the Canal+ cinema
channel: “Movies are made to be seen.”

More: BETC Paris

More: Canal+

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Canal+ “March Of The Emperor” (01:05) # The documentary that goes by the name of “Le Marche De L’empereur” in France, the English title being “March Of The Penguins,” makes the protagonist in this spot assume, when a friend tells her about the movie, the actors to be of a rather different ilk. As every good French girl, she thinks of Napoleon. And her friend talks of the infinite ice, which “they” slide over on their tummies, or about the lethal attack of a seal. The woman is amazed to hear of the strange actions of the “emperors,” yet sees it all before her very eyes. On hearing that the men swap eggs and engage in sex for hours on end, it all becomes too much for her. Tagline for the Canal+ cinema channel: “Movies are made to be seen.”

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