

Central Beheer

DDB, Amsterdam


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Central Beheer Insurance “Ski” [01:00]# A perfect day in the Swiss Alps. Beautiful people in beautiful scenery. Four skiers glide and fly through powdery snow. At a glitzy terrace four females await them as – sure enough – the Martini jingle starts and a waiter passes with a bottle on his tray. The skiers skid in to showy stops – except the fourth one who sails on. Crash of windows and walls off. Title: “Better call Appeldoorn.” (Appeldoorn being the headquarters of the Central Beheer insurance company.)

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Central Beheer Insurance "Ski" [01:00]# A perfect day in the Swiss Alps. Beautiful people in beautiful scenery. Four skiers glide and fly through powdery snow. At a glitzy terrace four females await them as - sure enough - the Martini jingle starts and a waiter passes with a bottle on his tray. The skiers skid in to showy stops - except the fourth one who sails on. Crash of windows and walls off. Title: "Better call Appeldoorn." (Appeldoorn being the headquarters of the Central Beheer insurance company.)

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