


Impact BBDO, Dubai


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Centrepoint “Lies”
A spot that disabuses of their illusions all those amongst us who believe that they are in control of their own destiny. Much of what happens to us is, after all, determined by others, and even the moment of our death is approaching in the shape of a piano tumbling down into the depths.
So what better final wish could we have other than to spend our last few seconds on earth looking good and well-dressed? In, for example, fashion from Centrepoint.

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Centrepoint “Lies” A spot that disabuses of their illusions all those amongst us who believe that they are in control of their own destiny. Much of what happens to us is, after all, determined by others, and even the moment of our death is approaching in the shape of a piano tumbling down into the depths. So what better final wish could we have other than to spend our last few seconds on earth looking good and well-dressed? In, for example, fashion from Centrepoint.

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