

Chef Boyardee

Leo Burnett, Chicago


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Once kids have got something into their head, nothing seems impossible anymore. Practice, as the saying goes, makes perfect, and what better place to perfect one’s jumping technique than on the way back home from school? What one learns in the process can also prove to be very useful – also for the gossiping neighbors – when a single leap enables one to rescue a cat stranded in a tree. Having finally reached home, the boy wants to reach right up to the top – up there where the Chef Boyardee cans of ravioli are. Tagline: “Boy, this stuff is good.”

More: Leo Burnett Chicago

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Chef Boyardee

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Once kids have got something into their head, nothing seems impossible anymore. Practice, as the saying goes, makes perfect, and what better place to perfect one’s jumping technique than on the way back home from school? What one learns in the process can also prove to be very useful – also for the gossiping neighbors – when a single leap enables one to rescue a cat stranded in a tree. Having finally reached home, the boy wants to reach right up to the top – up there where the Chef Boyardee cans of ravioli are. Tagline: “Boy, this stuff is good.”

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