Cites Amazon Prime Video
Herezie, Paris
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With “Cites”, Amazon Prime Video France has collaborated with French artist Abd Al Malik on a twelve-part series that was not only produced for, but also entirely on, TikTok.
Luis Gaitán: “A content native idea that opens a new path in our industry. Imagine the pitch to the brand: guys, we’re going to create the first Amazon Prime Video series that will not live in your platform but in TikTok, and we’ll craft it playing 100% with the creative tools and storytelling this platform offers to its users. We’re a lot that probably thought of this kind of idea before and tried to pitch, but these guys did it and wonderfully. Healthy jealousy.”
- Ad Agency Herezie, Paris
- Creative Director Etienne Renaux, Paul Marty
- Art Director Joris Bourquin, Hugo Doré
- Copywriter Antoine Des Bourquin, Tom Danguy
- Production Company Quad Stories
- Director Abd Al Malik
More: Herezie Paris
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