Cities Talk Back
Even/Odd, San Francisco
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In response to the increasing number of individuals and communities
under threat from current US government policies, rideshare company
Lyft created this campaign to stress the importance of the problem
byfocusing on immigrant experiences across the country.
Paco Conde: “‘America is an Idea, not a Geography’ is a digital magazine
that uses film, photography and text to tell the stories from the Lyft drivers
community. A great piece of content, extraordinarily well crafted. Like the
best content, once you start, you can’t stop watching.”
- Client Lyft
- Ad Agency Even/Odd, San Francisco
- Creative Director Shachar Aylon, Tim Roan, Joey Manin, Malcolm Pullinger
- Copywriter Sean Conroy, Rachel Barth, Rudy Mondragon
- Director Mohammad Gorjestani, Andrew Batista, Haya Waseem, Tim Hussin, Erin Brethauer