


Publicis Conseil, Paris


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Clio “L’Entretien” [00:45]# An interview for a high-paying job at a Manhattan office is coming to an end. As it tuns out, the young man being interviewed by the crusty old chairman has little chance of being hired to work for this old-fashioned, paternalistic company. When his is asked the crucial question, which of the two cars – a large limousine and a Clio – parked right in front of the office, belongs to the chairman, he says, “The small one: because you don’t take a company ten years forward using tools that are ten years out of date.” An elegant way, really, of putting the chairman in his plane it turns out that the Clio is his own.

More: Publicis Conseil Paris

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Clio "L'Entretien" [00:45]# An interview for a high-paying job at a Manhattan office is coming to an end. As it tuns out, the young man being interviewed by the crusty old chairman has little chance of being hired to work for this old-fashioned, paternalistic company. When his is asked the crucial question, which of the two cars - a large limousine and a Clio - parked right in front of the office, belongs to the chairman, he says, "The small one: because you don't take a company ten years forward using tools that are ten years out of date." An elegant way, really, of putting the chairman in his plane it turns out that the Clio is his own.

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