

Club 18-30

Saatchi & Saatchi, London


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Club 18-30 “Jump Squad” (01:05) #
Club 18-30 members are on the guest
list for every hot party in the world’s
warmer countries. In this spot advertising
the list, the streets are crowded with
police. A psychologist is trying to talk a
man out of killing himself by jumping off
a high building. But then an uninvited
guest appears, Jack Hammer. He’s not
on any guest list. And one can see why
by the way he deals with the intercom,
which has fatal results.

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Club 18-30 “Jump Squad” (01:05) # Club 18-30 members are on the guest list for every hot party in the world’s warmer countries. In this spot advertising the list, the streets are crowded with police. A psychologist is trying to talk a man out of killing himself by jumping off a high building. But then an uninvited guest appears, Jack Hammer. He’s not on any guest list. And one can see why by the way he deals with the intercom, which has fatal results.

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