

CNP Insurance

Australie, Levallois Perret


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“La rue de la vie” [00:50]# A cinematographic feat directed by brilliant Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier. We see a little boy in 30s clothes skipping along the sidewalk. The camera tracks along. Every time the protagonist is blocked from view by a taxi, a vendor, a flower stall, an umbrella, etc., he reemerges at a later stage in his life: a teenager with a violin case, a young soldier, a suitor with flowers, a father with young children, a father at his daughter’s wedding and, finally, a granddad with is little boy with a violin. With this commercial, the CNP is aiming to highlight their long standing in the insurance business. Claim: CNP. Live well insured.

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"La rue de la vie" [00:50]# A cinematographic feat directed by brilliant Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier. We see a little boy in 30s clothes skipping along the sidewalk. The camera tracks along. Every time the protagonist is blocked from view by a taxi, a vendor, a flower stall, an umbrella, etc., he reemerges at a later stage in his life: a teenager with a violin case, a young soldier, a suitor with flowers, a father with young children, a father at his daughter's wedding and, finally, a granddad with is little boy with a violin. With this commercial, the CNP is aiming to highlight their long standing in the insurance business. Claim: CNP. Live well insured.

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