Santo, Buenos Aires
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Coca-Cola “Birdman” (01:00) #
Coca-Cola is bringing “sharing” back into
fashion, showing us a young man who
gets quite a few things in return from
those he offers to empty his bottle of
Coke with: hair from the Gothic girl, or
the moustache from the guy in the gang.
Things really do get wacky, however, after a little birdie shares his Coke with
him, and he subsequently starts tottering
through the world on the legs of a sparrow. Yet company is at hand when he
sees his female counterpart standing on
the other corner of the street.
- Client Coca-Cola
- Ad Agency Santo, Buenos Aires
- Art Director Maximiliano Anselmo
- Copywriter Pablo Minces
- Production Company Stink
- Director StyleWar
More: Coca-Cola
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