


McCann Erickson, Buenos Aires


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Coca-Cola “Last Bottle”: (01:45)# What if there was only one bottle of Coca-Cola left on earth? That, at least, is the problem confronting the young hero of this spot. In disbelief, he sets out on a desperate quest for the source of this refreshing, thirst-quenching liquid but, to his horror, discovers that all his efforts were futile. All that remains to remind him of the venerable drink are some leftover empty bottles. Luckily, the whole scenario turns out to have been a dream… and the last Coke is split between two friends! My Coke is your Coke! Gold Lion at Cannes.

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Coca-Cola "Last Bottle": (01:45)# What if there was only one bottle of Coca-Cola left on earth? That, at least, is the problem confronting the young hero of this spot. In disbelief, he sets out on a desperate quest for the source of this refreshing, thirst-quenching liquid but, to his horror, discovers that all his efforts were futile. All that remains to remind him of the venerable drink are some leftover empty bottles. Luckily, the whole scenario turns out to have been a dream... and the last Coke is split between two friends! My Coke is your Coke! Gold Lion at Cannes.

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