


Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam


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Coca-Cola “First Taste” (01:00) #
One of Coca-Cola’s many recent attempts
at some very creative advertising (see
also the feature at the beginning of the
TV Archive section of this magazine). It is
set in an old people’s home, with a man
in his mid to late 60s having his – somewhat
of a stretch, it has to be admitted –
first-ever sip of Coke. This leads him on
to all the other things he hasn’t done in
his life, some of them quite surprising,
like getting chased by those bulls in
Pamplona. Pay-off: “The Coke side of

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Coca-Cola “First Taste” (01:00) # One of Coca-Cola’s many recent attempts at some very creative advertising (see also the feature at the beginning of the TV Archive section of this magazine). It is set in an old people’s home, with a man in his mid to late 60s having his – somewhat of a stretch, it has to be admitted – first-ever sip of Coke. This leads him on to all the other things he hasn’t done in his life, some of them quite surprising, like getting chased by those bulls in Pamplona. Pay-off: “The Coke side of life.”

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