Wieden + Kennedy, Portland
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Coca-Cola “Videogame” (01:00) #
Our final selection for Coke this time
looks like a video game and was, in fact,
inspired by the popular “Grand Theft
Auto.” It features the game’s tough guy
Ray who, after taking a swig of the beverage,
mutates from someone striking
fear into the heart of anyone who crosses
his path into a goody-two-shoes spreading
love and happiness all around. Since
it also has a very catchy soundtrack, and
was directed by Smith & Foulkes, the
commercial manages to create a kind
of feelgood atmosphere not unlike the
duo’s award-winning Honda “Grrr” spot
from last year.
- Client Coca-Cola
- Ad Agency Wieden + Kennedy, Portland
- Art Director Shannon Mcglothin
- Copywriter Sheena Brady
- Production Company Nexus Productions, London
- Director Smith & Foulkes