


Santo, Buenos Aires


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Sprite “Facing A Hater”#
The new Sprite ad is a real game-changer. Seeking to neutralize hate with love, the campaign targets bullying in a touching short showing a young guy who harassed people online now meeting his victims in T-shirts emblazoned with the insults he hurled at them – which they read out to him in person. Instead of fighting, however, they respond with an “I love you,” concluding the commercial with hugs and tears of forgiveness to the accompaniment of a version of the Beatles classic “All You Need is Love.”

More: Santo Buenos Aires

More: Coca-Cola

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Sprite “Facing A Hater”# The new Sprite ad is a real game-changer. Seeking to neutralize hate with love, the campaign targets bullying in a touching short showing a young guy who harassed people online now meeting his victims in T-shirts emblazoned with the insults he hurled at them – which they read out to him in person. Instead of fighting, however, they respond with an “I love you,” concluding the commercial with hugs and tears of forgiveness to the accompaniment of a version of the Beatles classic “All You Need is Love.”

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