

Coca-Cola Light

Publicis Conseil, Paris


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The Levi’s “Odyssey” commercial from
2001 is the clear point of reference in
this spot – as it has been in a huge
number of other commercials since then.
However, this version manages to add a
touch of its own, having its protagonists
chase each other through the cavernous
room of a huge apartment in which the
laws of gravity seem to have been suspended.
We see the couple running up
the walls, along the ceilings, with the
cam following them right along all the
time – up to a point, in fact, where the
viewer may experience a definite sense
of disorientation. And what are they
chasing after? A can of Coke Light, which
apparently keeps its drinkers in such
incredible shape that they can indulge in
action stunts such as these.

More: Publicis Conseil Paris

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Coca-Cola Light

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The Levi’s “Odyssey” commercial from 2001 is the clear point of reference in this spot – as it has been in a huge number of other commercials since then. However, this version manages to add a touch of its own, having its protagonists chase each other through the cavernous room of a huge apartment in which the laws of gravity seem to have been suspended. We see the couple running up the walls, along the ceilings, with the cam following them right along all the time – up to a point, in fact, where the viewer may experience a definite sense of disorientation. And what are they chasing after? A can of Coke Light, which apparently keeps its drinkers in such incredible shape that they can indulge in action stunts such as these.

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