

Coke Zero

Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam


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Coke Zero: “Liar” [00:30]# In the first of these two spots for Coca Cola Zero, two tongues vainly attempting to drink a Cola bottle, together with an eyeball on thin little stick legs, are arguing about whether or not Coke Zero can be considered a real Coke. In the second, they are joined by the brain, which has got a headache from having had to listen to this constant bickering, and now duly reprimands them: “Real Coke taste. Zero sugar.”

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Coke Zero: "Liar" [00:30]# In the first of these two spots for Coca Cola Zero, two tongues vainly attempting to drink a Cola bottle, together with an eyeball on thin little stick legs, are arguing about whether or not Coke Zero can be considered a real Coke. In the second, they are joined by the brain, which has got a headache from having had to listen to this constant bickering, and now duly reprimands them: “Real Coke taste. Zero sugar.”

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