Ogilvy UK, London
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Comfort “Uncomfortable Life of Paul Jenkins” (01:00) #
Coping with everyday life proves to be
anything but easy if one’s name is Paul
Jenkins – and one is trapped inside
clothes that have turned far too stiff after
washing. Climbing steps, riding in a cab,
and even doing something as simple as
crossing the road, becomes hellishly difficult. After he asks a passer-by to pick up
his wallet, only to find himself the victim
of bare-faced theft, all he can do is head
for the beach and scream out the injustices of life to the ocean before him. Yet
none of this would need to have happened if one had only used the right
fabric softener – thus the message of this
spot for Comfort.
- Client Comfort
- Ad Agency Ogilvy UK, London
- Art Director Tony Haigh
- Copywriter Sue Higgs
- Production Company Feel Films, London
- Director Matt Carter
More: Ogilvy & Mather London
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