

Communities and Local Government

RKCR/Y&R, London


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Fire Safety: “Breathe” [00:40]# Everything initially seems quite and peaceful in this couple’s bedroom. Despite the window being closed, however, the curtain is moving, and the newspaper on the floor is flapping around strangely. Coffee is spilling up out of the cup, and the hair of the sleeping woman is swirling around her face as if she were underwater. And that actually is the case. This is just the way you feel if suffocated by toxic gases while asleep – as if you were drowning. Super: “Test your smoke alarm weekly.”

More: RKCR/Y&R London

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Communities and Local Government

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Fire Safety: "Breathe" [00:40]# Everything initially seems quite and peaceful in this couple’s bedroom. Despite the window being closed, however, the curtain is moving, and the newspaper on the floor is flapping around strangely. Coffee is spilling up out of the cup, and the hair of the sleeping woman is swirling around her face as if she were underwater. And that actually is the case. This is just the way you feel if suffocated by toxic gases while asleep – as if you were drowning. Super: “Test your smoke alarm weekly.”

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