

CTI Movil

Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Buenos Aires


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CTI Móvil “Father & Son” (00:30) #
In this spot, CTI Móvil is promoting a special
Father’s Day offer for mobile phone
users. Be it the “crow father” advising his
son to always beware of bald men, or the
“cloud father” telling his son to hold off
with the rain until the cars have been
washed, or even a “fatherly beer can” advising
his aluminium offspring to squirt
the beer good and proper when opening
the can – “Dad always has something important
to say.”

More: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Buenos Aires

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CTI Móvil “Father & Son” (00:30) # In this spot, CTI Móvil is promoting a special Father’s Day offer for mobile phone users. Be it the “crow father” advising his son to always beware of bald men, or the “cloud father” telling his son to hold off with the rain until the cars have been washed, or even a “fatherly beer can” advising his aluminium offspring to squirt the beer good and proper when opening the can – “Dad always has something important to say.”

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