


La Comunidad, Miami


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Cyloop “Horse” + “Pool” (01:00) each #
“Musicians don’t live long – enjoy them
while you can.” Thus the motto of this
campaign for Cyloop, a music-sharing
platform, featuring fatal accidents on music
video sets. In the first, a crooner in a
white shirt is riding on a grey lustily
singing his ditty before falling, getting
caught on the stirrup and being dragged
off. The second takes us to a rap video
set. Hot babes in tight bikinis are
lounging around the pool. The band’s
frontman lies down on an airbed with a
lot of fancy chains around his neck,
causing him to sink – and drown. Yet the
sexy chicks and the rest of the crew fail
to notice that the star has gone under.

More: La Comunidad Miami

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Cyloop “Horse” + “Pool” (01:00) each # “Musicians don’t live long – enjoy them while you can.” Thus the motto of this campaign for Cyloop, a music-sharing platform, featuring fatal accidents on music video sets. In the first, a crooner in a white shirt is riding on a grey lustily singing his ditty before falling, getting caught on the stirrup and being dragged off. The second takes us to a rap video set. Hot babes in tight bikinis are lounging around the pool. The band’s frontman lies down on an airbed with a lot of fancy chains around his neck, causing him to sink – and drown. Yet the sexy chicks and the rest of the crew fail to notice that the star has gone under.

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