


Marcel, Paris


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This spot for a confectionery product presents a twist on the hoary old cliché of showing beautiful women having ersatz-orgasms while consuming the sweet. The strapline for Delichoc – “So much chocolate you don’t need love” – is demonstrated in a couple of funny scenarios: In the first, we get a posh English wedding. As the newlyweds dash from the post-nuptial feast, we realize that, in addition to the customary cans hanging from the car’s bumper, the bride herself has been affixed to it. The second commercial shows the well-known scene in which Cinderella departs from the grand ball leaving behind her glass slipper, then hastily returning to pick it up – and be gone again.

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More: Delichoc

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This spot for a confectionery product presents a twist on the hoary old cliché of showing beautiful women having ersatz-orgasms while consuming the sweet. The strapline for Delichoc – “So much chocolate you don’t need love” – is demonstrated in a couple of funny scenarios: In the first, we get a posh English wedding. As the newlyweds dash from the post-nuptial feast, we realize that, in addition to the customary cans hanging from the car’s bumper, the bride herself has been affixed to it. The second commercial shows the well-known scene in which Cinderella departs from the grand ball leaving behind her glass slipper, then hastily returning to pick it up – and be gone again.

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