Deutsche Telekom, Bonn
Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg
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Deutsche Telekom: “Shift” [00:40]# “Big changes come from small beginnings” is the message of this new spot from Deutsche Telekom. And the spot itself is also a little on the small side, with the town and its inhabitants looking like tiny toytown figures. Small, yet of major importance, are also the things that every subscriber can do to help make the world a better place. By, for example, having one’s bill sent by email to save on paper, or by downloading music to reduce the consumption of plastic.
- Client Deutsche Telekom, Bonn
- Ad Agency Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg
- Art Director Zoran Drobina
- Copywriter Oliver Zacharias-Tölle
- Production Company Czar, Amsterdam
- Director Raf Wathion