


DDB, Stockholm


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Diesel “Christmas Day” [01:00]# It’s Christmas Day 1917 and the British soldiers in the trenches of the Somme receive their presents. One unpacks a pair of Diesel jeans. Over joyous and more than careless, he tries them on right away, attracting the attention of those bloody huns. A fellow soldier attempting to calm him down gets shot by a German sniper. The jeans-fanatic, however remains oblivious to the disaster he causes, as well as to the fact that his troop is withdrawing as the Germans are about to storm the very trenches he keeps prancing around in.

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Diesel "Christmas Day" [01:00]# It's Christmas Day 1917 and the British soldiers in the trenches of the Somme receive their presents. One unpacks a pair of Diesel jeans. Over joyous and more than careless, he tries them on right away, attracting the attention of those bloody huns. A fellow soldier attempting to calm him down gets shot by a German sniper. The jeans-fanatic, however remains oblivious to the disaster he causes, as well as to the fact that his troop is withdrawing as the Germans are about to storm the very trenches he keeps prancing around in.

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