BETC, Paris
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Miss Dior “Braut” [00:30]#
A bride dressed in a voluminous purple veil and skirt bursts through a pair of great wooden doors. She descends an enormous spiral staircase as a preacher calls her vows, ” to love and to cherish, to obey his requests to serve his demands.” Meanwhile her bridal train spills out behind, covering every step all the way down, where a man the groom? Is waiting, Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, she leaves her cape behind and runs laughing the man’s arms. Claim: “Miss Diortres Miss, tres Dior.”
- Client Dior
- Ad Agency BETC, Paris
- Art Director Pierrette Diaz
- Copywriter Franck Tapiro
- Production Company 1/33 Productions, Suresnes
- Director Sebastien Chantrel
More: BETC Paris
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