


Lowe / DraftFCB, Amsterdam


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Dommelsch “Music Freak” [00:55]
A young man is listening devoutly to a piece of music. Suddenly the guitar solo is interrupted by a strange sound. He rewinds the part and checks once more – again that funny noise! Even the shop assistant at the music store has to agree and exchange the CD for a new copy. Back at home he enjoys the music, but still the guitar solo gets interrupted by that hissing sound. Cut to the musicians at the studio recording and a bottle of Dommelsch beer being opened in the middle of the proceedings.

More: Lowe / DraftFCB Amsterdam

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Dommelsch "Music Freak" [00:55] A young man is listening devoutly to a piece of music. Suddenly the guitar solo is interrupted by a strange sound. He rewinds the part and checks once more - again that funny noise! Even the shop assistant at the music store has to agree and exchange the CD for a new copy. Back at home he enjoys the music, but still the guitar solo gets interrupted by that hissing sound. Cut to the musicians at the studio recording and a bottle of Dommelsch beer being opened in the middle of the proceedings.

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