


adam&eveDDB, London


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Dreamies “Best Friends”
A somewhat one-sided friendship, perhaps, yet a cat and a baby chick could not be any closer than this. They spend every moment of the day together, roaming around, sharing a basket … until, one day, the cat’s owner is a little slow to open the door and provide food. Hungry and impatient, the furry-nosed creature discovers the predator inside, all that is then left of the chick being just a few feathers. A commercial for delicacies from Dreamies. Better to treat your cat, thus the pay-off, before it treats itself.

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Dreamies “Best Friends” A somewhat one-sided friendship, perhaps, yet a cat and a baby chick could not be any closer than this. They spend every moment of the day together, roaming around, sharing a basket … until, one day, the cat’s owner is a little slow to open the door and provide food. Hungry and impatient, the furry-nosed creature discovers the predator inside, all that is then left of the chick being just a few feathers. A commercial for delicacies from Dreamies. Better to treat your cat, thus the pay-off, before it treats itself.

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