CHI (Clemmow Hornby Inge) & Partners, London
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Drench: “Mr. Memory” [01:07]# Who, after seeing this, would still want to assert that goldfish have a memory like a sieve? Two guys have built a labyrinth consisting of cutlery drawers, plastic tubing and canisters, each of which are filled with water. Mr. Memory, the goldfish, will not only swim through them but also solve brainteasers while doing so. Whenever it gets stuck, not knowing the answer to a question, a splash of Drench refreshes its memory. Playing as soundtrack from the cassette recorder is the 1983 song “Push it to the limit” by Paul Engemann. Super: “Remember brains perform best when hydrated. Your brain is 75% water. Stay drenched.”
- Client Drench
- Ad Agency CHI (Clemmow Hornby Inge) & Partners, London
- Art Director Matt Collier
- Copywriter Wayne Robinson
- Production Company Smith & Jones, London
- Director Ulf Johansson
More: CHI (Clemmow Hornby Inge) & Partners London
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