Publicis Mojo, Melbourne
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Drumstick “Summer Rituals” (01:00) #
A happy band of bathing enthusiasts are
marching in step to the song “Love You.”
Continuing to display their marvellously
synchronous skills, they subsequently
spread out their towels before lying down
to sunbathe and take a bite – still in perfect sync of their Nestlé Drumsticks ice
cream. “A summer classic,” runs the payoff – and no less classic is the slap around
the face meted out by the blonde to a
guy who has been staring at her a little
too obviously.
- Client Drumstick
- Ad Agency Publicis Mojo, Melbourne
- Art Director David Klein
- Copywriter Justin Ruben
- Production Company Goodoil, Moore Park
- Director Hamish Rothwell