Dunkin’ Donuts
Hill Holliday, Boston
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Dunkin’ Donuts: “Belt” [00:30]# Dunkin’ Donuts’ response to the crisis is the “Breakfast, NOT Brokefast” campaign, demonstrating that a tasty breakfast remains affordable even in tough economic times. When Ann and Jim meet in the elevator, Jim stares slaveringly at Ann’s breakfast wrap and coffee. He himself took the idea of “tightening one’s belt” too literally and has pulled his waist in so much that he barely seems able to breathe. Completely unnecessary, as it turns out, because at Dunkin Donuts breakfast is available for as little as 99 cents. That, of course, is why it is not called brokefast. Super: “Because it’s Breakfast, not Brokefast.”
- Client Dunkin' Donuts
- Ad Agency Hill Holliday, Boston
- Art Director Kevin Daley, Bob Gates
- Copywriter Tim Cawley, Scott Noble
- Production Company Furlined, Santa Monica
- Director The Perlorian Brothers, Los Angeles
More: Hill Holliday Boston
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