


Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO, London


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E.ON “Animal Cracker” (01:00) #
The setting for this spot from utility e-on is
an open-plan office. In addition to the
usual office workers, all kinds of wild animals are cavorting around this room and
the adjoining spaces. A beaver is sitting
on the washbasin, a herd of sheep are
making their way through the narrow corridor, a skunk is skulking through the toilet, and kangaroos are jumping around
between the desks. The office boy has to
bend and wend his way under a giraffe,
and the monkeys are engaging in all kinds
of shenanigans. VO: “Allow the power of
nature into your business.” Super: “e-on.
The power behind Powergen.” e-on is
here seeking to highlight its social responsibility and environmental commitment.

More: Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO London

More: E.ON

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E.ON “Animal Cracker” (01:00) # The setting for this spot from utility e-on is an open-plan office. In addition to the usual office workers, all kinds of wild animals are cavorting around this room and the adjoining spaces. A beaver is sitting on the washbasin, a herd of sheep are making their way through the narrow corridor, a skunk is skulking through the toilet, and kangaroos are jumping around between the desks. The office boy has to bend and wend his way under a giraffe, and the monkeys are engaging in all kinds of shenanigans. VO: “Allow the power of nature into your business.” Super: “e-on. The power behind Powergen.” e-on is here seeking to highlight its social responsibility and environmental commitment.

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